Monday, July 8, 2013

San Jose

They let us into the country! Today we arrived uneventfully in San Jose, after Matt's mother's cousin Alexandra kindly drove us back to the Fort Lauderdale airport. The flight was fine (and only 2.5 hours!), immigration was easy, and customs was only an x-ray machine. Immigration didn't end up asking for our proof that we were leaving the country, so a lot of stress in the past week and $100 in fees could have been avoided if we hadn't bothered to buy bus tickets to Nicaragua.... but such is life, and it definitely would have been worse if they'd asked for proof and we didn't have any.

After exiting the airport, we fought our way through all the taxi drivers and found the bus stop, with the bus we needed already there. 1,200 colones later (about $2.50) we happily arrived at our hostel, just in time for an afternoon siesta.

Post-nap we explored downtown. We didn't find anything too exciting, but there are lots of nice parks, which make up for some of the lack of architecture. Tomorrow we'll explore the large park near us, Parque La Sabana. For dinner we made our way to a traditional Costa Rican restaurant that we found in the guidebook. I ordered black bean soup, thinking that it would be a nice simple dish... but when it arrived there were strange globular whitish things floating in it!! Great, I thought, I'm jumping straight into crazy Latin American food. First, we guessed they might be chicken hearts. Then we tried one, and it tasted familiar... maybe a very strangely shaped mushroom? Matthew guessed no, maybe chicken lungs. I was thrilled to hear this idea. I kept nibbling (really, the taste wasn't so bad), and when I cut open the next glob, I found a yolk! My first Costa Rican food adventure turned out to be nothing more than poached eggs.

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